CR-LV II is LS C&S’s cast resin busduct, most suitable for plants and factories that require large power capacity and protection from external environment. We introduce three advantages of our CR-LV Il that makes it the most reliable cast resin busduct for your facilities.

Specially designed for improved waterproof, fireproof, and explosion-proof function, which allows a higher electrical stability and durability than Sandwich type busducts.

Low voltage busducts with conductors insulated using Class B rated (130 °C) epoxy powder coating (fluidized bed epoxy) , metal housing and epoxy resin; thickness over 11 mm, molded between the insulated bus bars and the housing.

Specially designed for improved waterproof, fireproof, and explosion-proof function, which allows a higher electrical stability and durability than Sandwich type busducts. With current capacity from 630 A up to 6300 A, CR-Way LV II busducts are an excellent solution for hospitals, mining, data center and industry applications. This product has IEC 61439-6 Certification made by UL.

Technical Specifications:



  • Protection
    An aluminum housing provides extra protection from physical damage
  • Grounding
    The aluminum housing alone acts as a ground bar; therefore internal bus bar for grounding is unnecessary
  • Convenience
    The housing also acts as a molding flask providing convenience and shorter installation time

Joint Kit

  • Faster installation
    With only the minimum equipment required, faster installation is possible

  • Double head bolt
    Once 800-1,000kgf cm of torque has been applied, the outer bolt will be sheared off automatically, visually showing that sufficient torque has been applied

  • Compatibility
    Joint kit allows connection between two different models


  • Epoxy Insulation
    CR-LV II and all LS C&S epoxy busducts are insulated using fluidized-bed method.
    It is insulated evenly to all parts of the busbar with appropriate thickness.

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